App Mobile - Up To Date
Summary :
- Presentation of the functionalities
- More details about the Api
- Ameliorations axis
1 - Presentation of the functionalities
Up-to-date is an app that permits you to stay 'Up to date'. Everyday you will have a quizz of 5 questions where an image will be presented to you and you will have to guess the title of it.
1 - 1) Menu
Type a name in order to start the quizz !
1 - 2) Question 1/5 (Question view)
1 - 3) Question 1/5 (Alert Correct Answer View)
I have an image and four news titles. I have to guess which title correspond to the image. If I'm right I earn a point, if i'm not I don't earn any point.
I chose the correct answer. I earned a point. I have the opportunity to read the full article. I'm not going to miss it.
1 - 4) Question 1/5 (Full article View)
1 - 5) Question 2/5 (Question view)
I can read the full article and when I will touch the 'return button' of my smartphone it will directly lead me to the next question.
Let's assume now that I mess up on purpose and that I choose a wrong answer.
1 - 6) Question 2/5 (Alert Wrong Answer View)
1 - 7) Question 3/5 (Question View)
Well I was wrong so I didn't earn any points however I still have the right to read the full article. Let's say that i am very stubborn and choose not to read the full article.
You saw, it directly led me to the next question ! Now this one is way too obvious I have to get that one right !
1 - 8) Question 3/5 (Alert Right Answer View)
1 - 8) Question 3/5 (Full article View)
I knew it ! But still I want more information on this subject !
Ohh very interesting ! Now I think you pretty much understood how the app works so let's skip the two next answers !
1 - 9) Final score view
Wow guess i'm pretty 'up-to-date'. The see you tommorow button will lead you to the menu. Tomorrow the question will be automatically changed and will be different.
2 - More details about the Api
the Api that I used for this project is called news.api
this is the url that we used (Api key has been removed :)
String url = "";
So you can see that we are calling the top headlines in France.
The Api will respond with a JSON file which will be looking like that :
"status": "ok",
"totalResults": 34,
-"articles": [
-"source": {
"id": "lequipe",
"name": "L'equipe"
"author": "Rédaction",
"title": "Kingsley Coman (Bayern Munich) : « On s'entraîne avec une distance de sécurité » - Foot - ALL - Bayern - L'É",
"description": "Dans un entretien à Eurosport, l'attaquant français du Bayern Munich Kingsley Coman est revenu sur les conditions particulières de l'entraînement, durant la pandémie de Covid-19.",
"url": "",
"urlToImage": ",1995:1330-640-427-75/53f84.jpg",
"publishedAt": "2020-04-10T07:40:18Z",
"content": "Alors que les clubs allemands peuvent continuer à s'entraîner pendant la pandémie de Covid-19, l'attaquant français du Bayern Munich Kingsley Coman a témoigné des conditions particulières dans lesquelles sont réalisées les sessions. « On s'entraîne avec une d… [+360 chars]"
This is the code that takes out the data from the JSON file and transforms it into a java object :
mQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);
String url = "";
JsonObjectRequest request = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, url, null,
new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
Log.i("Json request", String.valueOf(response));
try {
JSONArray jsonArray = response.getJSONArray("articles");
for (int i = 0; i < nbArticles; i++) {
JSONObject articleJSON = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
String titre = articleJSON.getString("title");
String auteur = articleJSON.getString("author");
String description = articleJSON.getString("description");
String url = articleJSON.getString("url");
String img = articleJSON.getString("urlToImage");
String publishedAt = articleJSON.getString("publishedAt");
String content = articleJSON.getString("content");
Article article = new Article(i,titre,auteur,description,url,img,publishedAt,content);
} catch (JSONException e) {
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
3 - Amelioration Axis
- Train an A.I to choose articles that are really different from one another.
- Make the possibility for the user to choose the subject of the articles.
- Train an A.I to choose the articles corresponding to the subject that the user wants. (the JSON file doesn't have any 'subject' or 'theme' attributes.