My Projects


Angular typescript application to publish photos using a serverless architecture. I haved used many AWS cloud services to build this project, and I have also used Datadog to monitor my infrastructure. Test credentials ( username : test, password : iamtest)

Programming Languages :


Fun game made with javascript, and the pixijs library. The Project was finished in only 5 days during a Game Jam organized by Voodoo

Programming Languages :

Wolf and Sheep

c++ game made with sdl2 library with code scalability, open-close principle, memory management.

Programming Languages :

Pokedex API

node.js api from scratch with docker implementation and a swagger for documentation.

Programming Languages :

Flickr API Image Search Enginge

typescript image search engine app powered by flickr api.

Programming Languages :

Video Game Search Engine

spring application indexing a JSON file of video games into an elastic search through a rabbitmq. This project uses code coverage checks and a github action pipeline

Programming Languages :

QCM Live:

Web-Application that allows a Teacher to create Mutiple Choice Questions for his students. His Students can login to their account and solve them. (Pre-made account to test the app, (Professeur) id : "pavy" pwd : "pavy", (Etudiant) id : "tor" pwd : "tor").

Programming Languages :

Deezer Clone:

An application that allows you to play your favorite music, and conviniently repertoriate music. (Pre-made account to test the app, id : "testeur" pwd : "testing"). DISCLAMER : Songs may take a minute before playing.

Programming Languages :

Parcoursup/APB Simulation:

During this Math project, we had to demonstrate how the algorithm behind the french school admission system 'Parcoursup' manage to find matches between applicants and universities.

Programming Languages :

Store Sales Annalysis:

We were provided during this project several 'csv' files which contained data from a store. From those data we had to extract informations in order to answer several of these requests : "Give a visual representation of the store's turnover for every months.", "Which category of product performed the highest ?" and more ... For this project we were imposed no specific technology, but we decided to use Python and several of it's libraries, which were 'Pandas', to handle dataframes, and 'Matplotlib', to give visual representations of Data.

Programming Languages :

Solving the Knacksack Problem:

The problem is to find an algorithm to place items in the container such that the weight limit is not exceeded, but the total value of the items has to be as large as possible. This project was an introduction in the usage of "Dynamic Programming", and "Tree Data Structures".

Programming Languages :

Library WebServices using Sockets

In this project we had to code several services of a library. We had to enable the user to borrow, reserve, and return books from afar using sockets and asynchronous programming. The code is devided into three Projects communicating from a common localhost.

Programming Languages :

Taquin Explosif

Game made with the .NET library. We had to code a simple game named the "Taquin" and we were free to design the aesthetic of the game as much as we wanted.

Programming Languages :

Media library WebSite

Sequel to the 'Library WebServices using Sockets' project. However now we are building a web interface that users can log into. The project still can handle concurrency issues, as the previous project.

Programming Languages :

Up To Date

Quizz app about the news. You are given an image and you have to find its title. When you submit your answer you are allowed to read the full article.

Programming Languages :


Voting app respecting the attributes of a blockchain. This project's purpose is to create a secured, anonymous voting system implementing blockchain technology.

Programming Languages :